A Phase I ESA identifies recognized environmental conditions (RECs) that could impact the value of a specific property. With these assessments, you will know whether the site has had any problems with chemical or hazardous materials in the past. It will help to protect both the buyer and seller in a real estate transaction.
Then, research is completed to outline the current and historical uses of the property. These assessments are all part of a real estate transaction. The existing property will be evaluated in the report where the groundwater or soil under the buildings could threaten the public’s safety or the environment.
Our reports have been completed on many types of properties, such as:
Multi-family residences
Commercial buildings
Industrial sites
Vacant lots
Thorough site walks are always performed during a Phase 1 Environemental Site Assessment. Material sampling is not included but will be performed if necessary.
Our Phase 1 ESA Report includes the following:
- Record Review: Federal and State regulatory database, permits, tax assessor documents, historical atlases and maps, aerial photographs, and ownership records.
- Site Reconnaissance: Visual site reconnaissance of the interior and exterior portions of the subject property, the peripheries of the subject property, and adjacent properties.
- Interviews: Current or Former Management, owners, and tenants in addition to neighbors and Federal, State, and local officials, as necessary.
- Report: Written documentation of all findings with conclusions and recommendation for further investigation, if necessary. That includes sampling for asbestos, lead, mold, etc, if warranted.